lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

U.S.A. manipulates “defection” of Cuban dentists

By M. H. Lagarde

Hundreds of Cuban dentists, invited to defect by the U.S. government from medical missions that bring health to thousands of people worldwide, suffer the same fate of many other “refugee” doctors in that country. After reaching U.S. soil, where they are "welcomed", supposedly because of their professional expertise, they can not pursue their occupation.
According to a libelous article in Miami mafia’s El Nuevo Herald, about 200 dentists who have defected from Cuban internationalist missions can not revalidate their degrees in the U.S. because the Cuban authorities refuse to send the academic records, said Julio Alfonso, CEO of Solidarity without Borders (SSF).
“Solidarity-man” Alfonso says now that the Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), a Wisconsin organization that provides professional certification, will only accept academic records submitted by Cuba, something recruiters never told dentists.
"These dentists are facing an ironical situation," Alfonso criticized in the SSF office in Hialeah. "They defected from the missions to qualify for the U.S. visa program for medical personnel, but once they enter the United States they face reality as it actually is because they can not revalidate their degrees."
What is the real irony? That of Cuba opposed to the shameless brain drain and defamation of its health system organized by the U.S. intelligence services, or that of the U.S. government closing the doors to emigration to the rest of the world while inciting defection of Cuban doctors and dentists based on an unrecognized professional competence.
Now, Cuban cheated doctors and dentists are struggling to make a living in Miami. Such is the case of Dasha Frías —a dentist graduated from the Higher Dentistry Institute of Medical Sciences in Villa Clara— who after defecting from a mission in the state of Anzoategui, northeastern Venezuela in 2009, came to Miami and is currently working as a cashier at the Miccosukee Casino.