jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Former U.S. intelligence analyst jammed Iranian government websites

In a recent speech about the situation in Iran, Obama pointed out: “This is not an issue of the United States or the West versus Iran; this is an issue of the Iranian people", who in a way are willing to “open” new roads. “We respect Iran’s sovereignty and the fact that it is the Iranian people’s job to make such decisions".Of course, Obama –who not long ago set up a cyber command to protect the Pentagon’s networks from hacker attacks– probably knows nothing about the role of U.S. hackers in the media’s war against Iran.One of the cyber-supporters who launched the attack on Iranian government sites is Matthew Burton, a former intelligence analyst, ITPer and Technology Consultant to the U.S. Intelligence Community, a self-proclaimed all-out defender of his Government whose website http://www.impublished.org/wordpress/index.php is aimed, he says, at helping national security and democracy.As you can see in the statement below, Burton is anything but wishy-washy when it comes to his hacking activity. Actually, his cyber-war philosophy is quite similar to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s, as evidenced by the way she urged Twitter to sign on to her government’s plans to destabilize Iran: "I consider it important to keep that line of communication open and enable people to share information, particularly at a time when there are not many other sources of information. It is a fundamental right for people to be able to communicate and organize. The United States believes passionately and strongly in the basic principle of free expression.”

Translated by: Walter Lipman

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